Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Simple Living

We live a Simple Life.

Having a 'Simple Life' is really all about feeling content.

Creating the life that you want to live.

Eliminating the stress.

Putting some thought into what makes you happy.

What is most important in your life.

Making sure you plan life to include those things that give you joy.

Whether that means moving to the country and having a garden,

or moving to the city and going to the theater.

Or staying right where you are.

Whatever your idea of bliss might be.

For me a Simple Life means living in the mountains among wildflowers and singing birds.

Off the beaten path.

But with everything, there are compromises.

'Off the beaten path' means long commutes.

Going to the mall requires a long drive along steep roads.

So I find what I need close by.

Or I go without.

Thank goodness for internet shopping!

Living the Simple Life for me means using creativity rather than money.

Raising 4 children necessitated ingenuity.

Home cooking, home sewn, home made.

Home grown.

The Simple Life means knowing my limitations.

Understanding I can't accomplish everything.

Learning how to edit my life.

While still retaining the things I love to do.

Living the 'Simple Life' took years to plan.

But for me, the Simple Life is all about the journey and not the destination.

It is about noticing and appreciating the small blessings.

The little things in life.

Working hard to create a life filled with what I feel is important to me.

Sticking to long term goals.

But without expectations.

Going with the flow.

Finding time to give and receive the best things in life.

Love, Laughter, Family, Friendship

And for me, yes, a garden.

Do you live a Simple Life?


  1. I love this post - living the simple life is, indeed, living what is important to you. I love the same things that you do: living off the beaten path, family, close friends, knitting, and of course writing. I need to get back to the simple life, and I will...very soon. (Can't wait to get home!!) <3

  2. What a thought-provoking post. You're right that life involves compromises and that it's all about working out what the most important thing is for each of us (or for a family).

    We have recently made some far-reaching decisions and have had to weigh up many different aspects of our lives, so I'm hoping once the dust settles we will get back to a relatively straightforward existence!

  3. I suspect I may indeed live a simple life, but does it ever really feel all that simple with kids around? :)

  4. I agree, surround oneself with those and things you love!

  5. Today, I finally cleaned up the balcony after winter (first it was cold and then I was ill) and planted some flowers and herbs. I feel good and happy. I go out to the balcony, brash my hand against the herbs and inhale the scent of basil and mint - you don't need much else to be happy.

  6. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on living the simple life. I do think that simple is a complicated journey, but one worth moving towards and I think you all would agree! I wish you all simple joys this week! xx

  7. Dearest Karen,

    This is such a touching post and I can't agree more with you!
    After having lived for about 3 years in the mountains of central Java, Indonesia we learned that we can live with just a minimum.
    We were happy with a real simple life. Went to work six days a week, up to the mountain plateau at about 7,000 ft and only going every 4 weeks to the big city to shop for some food items that were not available in our area. It teaches one that so many things are not really adding to happiness. Your sentence about being content is the best one. If you managed to pass this life style on to your four children than you've accomplished a LOT!
    Thanks for writing about it in such a poetic way.
    Love to you,

  8. Lovely post with such nice photos! It's so nice to have a glimpse into your life...which is so similar to mine! ;-)


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen

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